We’ve talked about authenticity and belonging in recent episodes, and from those conversations something presented itself. When you’re feeling some type of way, whether that’s dismissed, marginalized, or anything else, where do you go with that feeling and how can you fact-check it?
When we’re fighting the good fight every day, if we let our feelings run the show, that means our commitment is no longer guiding us; at best, we feel uncomfortable, irritated, or rejected. At worst, we’re exhausted and there’s real suffering around our mental health. The truth is, you have choices around your feelings as long as you know what game you’re playing.
Tune in this week to discover how we’re creating our own experience by our interpretations of what’s going on around us. We’re discussing how to use your feelings as indicators instead of instructors, and how to fact-check your feelings and use them to point out awareness that you don’t yet have.
If you’re an existing coach, an aspiring coach, or any kind of leader who wants to become more masterful at facilitating a deep and sustained shift within your people, we’re inviting you to apply for The Evók Game Plan™. We’re building an army of game-changers who are going to help flip that switch to living an abundant life, and we want you to be a part of it.