When people talk about authenticity, they’re often referring to some default story self that they feel is their authentic self. So, how do you know when you’re truly living an authentic life, and why does it matter? This is what we’re here to answer on the show today.
There are a lot of people out there giving their “authentic” opinions, but there are important differences between honesty and authenticity. When you think of authenticity as meaning a match for the original, which, as humans is the Divine Creator, you see that you can be, do, and create anything you want in any moment.
Tune in this week to discover what it really means to live authentically and some of the most common misconceptions around what it means to show up with authenticity. We’re discussing everything we’ve learned about authenticity in different contexts, how to balance authenticity with ego, and how to determine what your truth is and move through everything else.
If you’re an existing coach, an aspiring coach, or any kind of leader who wants to become more masterful at facilitating a deep and sustained shift within your people, we’re inviting you to apply for The Evók Game Plan™. We’re building an army of game-changers who are going to help flip that switch to living an abundant life, and we want you to be a part of it.