Ep #79: Are You Living Your Limitless Potential?


January 18, 2023

The Power Paradigm™ | Are You Living Your Limitless Potential?

In the last episode, we asked you to decide: who are you, and who are you showing up as in 2023? Well, in today’s show, we’re giving you some more guidance, grounding ourselves in who we are, and showing you why you always get to choose who you are in this moment.

You are Star Stuff. You have limitless potential for creating whatever you want. All human beings are an unlimited energetic life force, and we know this scientifically to be true. So, starting from that place of knowing anything is possible, who are you, and who are you going to be as you move forward?

Tune in this week to discover who you really are. We’re discussing how to distinguish between who you are right now in this moment versus who you’ve been and what you’ve been through, and how to stay flexible and expansive as you decide who you are and what’s possible for you in the future.

If you’re an existing coach, an aspiring coach, or any kind of leader who wants to become more masterful at facilitating a deep and sustained shift within your people, we’re inviting you to apply for The Evók Game Plan™. We’re building an army of game-changers who are going to help flip that switch to living an abundant life, and we want you to be a part of it.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How we know that all humans have a flexible limitlessness.
  • Our thoughts about who we are and how we step into that energy.
  • Why you always have the power to declare who you’re being in the face of your experiences in life.
  • The sacredness of declaring who you are.
  • Why you can operate, be expansive, and show up, even when you encounter emotional difficulty or unpleasant physical sensations.
  • How to distinguish who you are in this moment versus who you’ve been so you can find freedom, presence, and fulfillment.


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