What is the price, and what is the payoff of consciousness? As two people who have an awareness of self, ego, and our surroundings, we have the presence to choose who and how we want to be. This is both a gift and a curse, depending on the scenario, and we’re helping you get clear on how this applies in your life.
When your consciousness is expanded, elevated, enlightened, or whatever you call it, you are with yourself. You see what’s happening, and the more expansive your consciousness is, the better you can see how you operate in the world and the choices that are available to you. But all of this comes at a cost.
Tune in this week to discover the price and the payoff of embodying consciousness and presence in your life. We are discussing our own experience of developing consciousness, the benefits we’ve enjoyed from this beautiful experience, along with the challenge and response-ability that comes with this level of power, knowledge, and freedom.
If you’re an existing coach, an aspiring coach, or any kind of leader who wants to become more masterful at facilitating a deep and sustained shift within your people, we’re inviting you to apply for The Evók Game Plan™. We’re building an army of game-changers who are going to help flip that switch to living an abundant life, and we want you to be a part of it.